Q: What happens if a relay is welded shut or if a relay is gets stuck and won’t shut properly?
A: The PLC check’s the digital outputs and if there is an error the PLC shuts down.
Posted by: OH 2004-08-31
I/O board
Q: Which extra I/O-boards are available?
I/O board
A: 6 digtal outputs
Posted by: OH 2004-08-31
Q: Which frequencies are available?
A: 434.500 MHz
439.775 MHz
Posted by: OH 2004-08-31
Radio communication
Q: What are the criteria for a working radio communication?
Radio communication
A: The hand terminal is upholding the radio link. When there are no packages from the hand terminal for half a second the PLC goes to standby. Standby means that the outputs on the PLC go low and the PLC program stops.
Posted by: OH 2004-08-31